Co-esties + Creating with Faith from P.S. Forever

Co-esties + Creating with Faith from P.S. Forever

Nation Esthetician month is going strong and we are so excited to introduce our next feature! Faith and Amy are a mother-daughter duo killing the esthetician game. This interview is packed with good info about working with a business partner and lots of information about their monthly featured facial!


Q: We are so happy to be interviewing the two of you for National Esthetician Month!! Can you introduce yourself and your mom and tell us how you both got started in the industry?

A: We are excited to be featured! My name is Faith and my mom/co-esti is Amy. My mom has always had a love for skin care and she introduced me to the beauty industry in my early twenties. She decided to pursue her love and start a career in Aesthetics as soon as I got licensed. We then opened our skincare + lash studio in hopes of creating a cozy space where our clients could come get professional  yet affordable treatments. We feel self care is so important and we wanted to help make that a possibility for everyone. P.S. Forever will be celebrating 5 years of being open in March!

Q: Oh my gosh that's amazing! 5 years?! So you two kind of build your business together? Do you have a blast working so closely with your mom?

A: We completely built our business together and it has been so much fun working alongside each other! We both offer different services so we end up sharing a lot of the same clients. It really does feel like a big family between all of us!

Q: On the backend of business stuff do you two have different skillsets? I know on our end we definitely split up the behind the scenes business tasks based on who is better at certain things or who enjoys doing specific tasks more than the other! Like Keele is super good at excel sheets while Madison loves doing all things social media! We always like to see how other business partners handle those types of things together.

A: We always joke and say I am in charge of our social media and my mom is in charge of the laundry! She literally takes the laundry home with her every night. God bless her. However, anyone who crates content for social media knows it's not a quick or simple task so she never feels like she's got the short end of the stick! The rest of the business tasks such a soldering product or thinking up new facials we have fun doing together.

Q: Okay we are sooo happy you brought up the new facial topic because we had the honor of being part of your September facial with our Sun Down Shimmer and we are so in love with the idea of a new feature facial each month! 

Can you tell us what inspired you guys to start offering them?

A: We loved having your Sun Down Shimmers in our September feature facial and so did our clients! My mom and I decided to do a new facial every month so that we could support other skincare lines in the industry while introducing our clients to new products they may love. We also like to do themed facials for Holidays to make it fun! People always tell us they look forward to seeing what the new featured facial is each month and we LOVE that it keeps everyone excited and coming back for more!

Q: How do you go about creating the monthly featured facial? Are they always centered around a theme? Take us through the creation process from the first idea to advertisement!

A: We love creating our featured facials and do try to theme them with the month they are featured in. So if there is a holiday in the month, let’s say Valentine’s Day, we would look for a skincare line with a chocolate mask or anything we feel would go with Valentines Day. If there isn’t a holiday we brainstorm and create a facial great for all skin types that we would want to receive. We try to plan and have our featured facial products ordered months in advance that way we have time to use the new products on ourselves first and really dive into learning each one.

Then I will create an Instagram story to advertise the facial we will be featuring. I have so much fun creating our advertisements for our facials! I like to do a four page story starting with a cover page to draw our audience in. The second and third page will describe the enzyme and mask we will be using in the facial. Then the fourth page will close out the add and have scheduling information. I then make that story a highlight on our page so that it’s easy for our clients to find again. After creating the story I will make one post on our page with a lot of the same information used in that story. We really put a lot of love and effort into designing each facial and I feel like they keep our clients excited for the next month and coming back for more!

Q: While we’re on the topic, what are a few of your favorite ways to create graphics? We are big Canva fans, but always looking for new options!

A: We do EVERYTHING through Canva! It’s our favorite way to create!

Q: Right?! It’s the BEST.

What is your best piece of advice for creating graphics for those just starting out?

A: I would say don’t put so much pressure on yourself and create when you feel creative. Whenever I try forcing myself to create a graphic or put together a post, it never turns out the way I want. Pre planning post such as our ads for our featured facial has also really helped me.

Q: Thank you SO much for sharing all of your insight on business partnerships and creating your feature facial!! It was so fun to talk with you about it all! One last question, where can we find you? 
A: You can find us on Instagram @p.s.foreveraesthetics

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